Welcome to the North American Owl Blogs at quass.com, where we turn to the owls themselves for the latest news on their lives in the wild. We've chosen 19 of the most literate owls on the continent, one for each of the 19 species that call North America home, and we've given them a simple task: update us at least once a month on their lives in the wild. Seriously. We've created specially designed pens and everything.
Of course, owls are not exactly known for their literary style. Indeed, I find that they have a great tendency to scribble aimlessly if not closely monitored. But not to worry: I will put my 30 years' worth of editing experience to work to slice and dice their submissions before posting until you might almost believe that the blogs in question were written by actual human beings.
So enjoy!
Oh, and if you have any questions about a particular species, forward them to yours truly and I'll pass them along to the appropriate raptors so that they can answer them in their blogs.
Who am I? Just another owl lover -- one who got sick and tired of seeing everybody speaking FOR owls and finally decided to let the owls speak for themselves for a change! Humph!
Brian Quass